What Can Be Done by a Chiropractor and Migraine Relief

What Can Be Done by a Chiropractor and Migraine Relief

Migraines bring forth an intense throbbing pain that leaves you impaired in your bed for days. While there are oral medications a doctor may prescribe to alleviate or prevent the excruciating pain, there exists an alternative treatment that can help manage the pain delivered by migraine. Find out how a chiropractor and migraine relief go hand-in-hand to help you overcome your migraine woes. A chiropractor migraine specialist may become your ally in preventing and alleviating a migraine attack.

The next time you reach for your bottle of migraine pills, either to relieve you of pain or to prevent it, you might want to consider a less toxic means to manage your migraine – a migraine chiropractor.

A migraine chiropractor offers relief without the toxicity that can be caused by too much medication. This is good news, especially for people who want to avoid medications due to other drug-related issues or allergies.

What Does a Migraine Chiropractor Do?

Chiropractic care is a complementary treatment that operates on the idea that the body can heal on its own with the help of a certified professional – a chiropractor. Chiropractic treatment has been used to relieve pain related to our joints, muscles, bones, cartilages, and the like. So it comes as no surprise why chiropractor and migraine relief is possible. For such treatment, it’s a licensed migraine chiropractor who does the therapy. Migraine headaches and chiropractic care are what the experts at Advanced Chiropractors Group specialize in. Here are a few things that a chiropractor migraine specialist does.

1. Aims to Lessen Pain

A migraine chiropractor aims to lessen the pain associated with migraine and maximize the neuromusculoskeletal health. This is done by making spinal adjustments to lessen the stress and improve how the spine functions. A chiropractor for migraine treats the symptoms of migraine while relieving the underlying problems.

2. Gives Soft Tissue Massages

A chiropractor migraine specialist also performs soft tissue massages to relieve the joints and muscles. The treatment may also include a myofascial release massage for the membranes connected to the muscles, including therapy for the body’s trigger points to target the tensed areas.

3. Gives Professional Advice

Choosing a chiropractor and migraine relief at Advanced Chiropractic Group can give you the professional advice you need to manage your migraine.
A migraine chiropractor can also offer advice on lifestyle management. This may include advice on dietary changes, proper posture, taking certain vitamins, and walking as exercise.

Migraine Headaches and Chiropractic Care

Choosing a chiropractor and migraine relief is now easy thanks to Advanced Chiropractors Group that can connect you to the nearest chiropractor migraine specialist.

Anyone who has heard of migraines will easily think of this condition as merely an extreme headache. However, migraines are never that simple. A migraine is a type of primary headache that can cause immense pain that can last for hours and even days. Unfortunately, there is no definite cure for it. Medications are prescribed either for pain management or prevention. This is why alternative treatment such as getting a chiropractor for migraine is steadily becoming more mainstream.

There are a lot of triggers for migraine, but even something as common as light and sound can make a person experience what doctors call “aura” or symptoms of migraine – pain, nausea, numbness, irritability, among other things. At Advanced Chiropractors Group, our migraine chiropractor is an expert in handling migraine headaches and chiropractic care.

Types of Migraines

At Advanced Chiropractors Group, our chiropractors for migraine are licensed professionals who know how to handle all types of migraines.

A migraine chiropractor knows that there are several types of migraine. The widely recognized types of migraines are as follows:

1. Common Migraine

This is also known as the migraine without aura. This type of migraine happens without warning. It quickly comes and lasts for hours.

2. Complicated Migraine

This type of migraine is also known as migraine with aura. Those who experience this migraine undergo a series of symptoms first before the actual bout of pain associated with the disease. Symptoms that appear are blind spots or temporary loss of sight, numbness and prickling pain, as well as general muscle weakness.

3. Retinal Migraine

When experiencing this migraine, a person might also undergo temporary blindness in one eye along with a sharp, throbbing pain in the region. Retinal migraine is harmless but can occur every few months, and most of the time, the intensity varies. This type of migraine is fairly common in people under 40 years old and those who have other underlying sicknesses like epilepsy, sickle cell disease, and lupus.

4. Hemiplegic Migraine

This is probably one of the extreme cases of migraine where a person will experience temporary paralysis and sensory changes on one side of the body. Although considered a rare kind of migraine, hemiplegic migraine is not something that should be taken lightly. At the first sign of hemiplegic migraine, it is best to seek a doctor’s counsel immediately.

5. Acephalgic Migraine

This is also called the silent migraine. A person experiencing this particular migraine experiences no pain, only the aura that comes before. “Silent migraine” is quite the misnomer for acephalgic migraine because all the symptoms can be felt — nausea, numbness, and muscle weakness, to name a few — but the only thing that is absent is the head pain.

6. Chronic migraine

This type of migraine lasts for 15 days per month, and the severity of pain varies. Usually, chronic migraine starts in an episodic manner. The usual causes of chronic migraine include obesity, mood disorders, disruptive sleeping patterns, and excessive caffeine intake.

Your Chiropractor For Migraine Relief

If you are suffering from migraine, consider getting a chiropractor for migraine, Advanced Chiropractors Group. Connect with us, and let’s talk about migraine headaches and chiropractic care. Our center has a licensed chiropractor migraine specialist who creates a personalized treatment plan to relieve you of migraine pain. Call us now.

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