ACG-Chiropractor examining patient with back pain

Why Your Back Hurts When You Breathe

Back pain and labored breathing are very concerning, especially if the cause is unclear.

Sometimes, you may feel back pain when breathing as a temporary spasm. But what happens if it becomes a persistent, nagging pain?

The chest contracts and expands when you inhale and exhale, engaging the muscles and bones of your back; if you have a musculoskeletal issue or injury, you might feel pain when you breathe.

Some other reasons for back pain when breathing includes:

Strained Muscles

Why does my back hurt when I breathe? One of the answers to this question is strained muscles. The muscles between adjacent ribs and the upper back play an important role in contracting and expanding the rib cage when we breathe. Patients may feel varying symptoms when these muscles are strained, from mild tenderness to intense sharp back pain. Breathing may become difficult for those with rhomboid muscle pain because the pain may get worse when the rib cage contracts and expands.

These muscles experience strain due to:


Excessive activity involving these muscles can cause them to overstretch and tear. A sudden and awkward movement can also strain these muscles and result in rhomboid muscle pain.


A fall or collision that directly affects the ribs or connecting muscles may injure one or more intercostal muscles.

Severe Kyphosis

The kyphotic curve is the healthy, slightly forward bend of the thoracic spine. When the thoracic spine bends at least 50 degrees, it’s considered hyperkyphosis or kyphosis.

Young kyphosis patients are easy to treat with a brace because they are still growing. Braces will prevent it from worsening and causing labored breathing, walking, and other essential functions. Special exercises to improve posture also helps prevent kyphosis from worsening. However, surgery may be necessary if it’s severe enough to cause breathing problems.

Allergic Reaction

Some people may develop an allergic reaction to certain medications like muscle relaxants for back pain. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to these medications include shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, swelling of the throat, arms, or hands, and hives.

Soft Tissue Injury

Can pneumonia cause back pain? All the coughing you experience when you have a bad cold, pneumonia, flu, or COVID 19 is another reason your back hurts when breathing.

Inflamed lung linings and rib cage cartilage can cause a sharp, radiating sensation in your back when you take deep breaths.

Consult your general practitioner if you experience back pain while breathing after a severe illness. If you are not currently ill, the inflammation could be due to trauma from a recent accident. Licensed chiropractors can also diagnose the condition using X-rays and offer treatment options for any underlying conditions.

Fractured Vertebra

Traumatic injury to the back can fracture a vertebra, causing pain and discomfort that gets worse when you move. It may also cause tingling, weakness, numbness, and bladder dysfunction, depending on the location of the fractured vertebra. Talk to your doctor immediately if you suspect you have sustained a serious injury to your spine.

Displaced or Fractured Rib

A sudden fall, blow to the chest, or severe coughing can bruise or fracture a rib. One of the most common signs of a broken or displaced rib is pain around the chest and the back, especially when breathing. You may also notice tenderness and swelling around the affected area.

An injured rib can make it difficult to perform simple tasks like inhaling, laughing, and sneezing. It may also cause pain and discomfort when you twist or bend your trunk.

An intercostal muscle strain can sometimes accompany a rib fracture or displacement, which can cause back pain when breathing.

Severe Scoliosis

Another reason your back hurts when breathing is scoliosis, the abnormal rotation of the spine. In severe cases, it restricts the lungs and other organs in the chest; each breath can become uncomfortable because there is not enough space to expand.

Scoliosis treatment depends on many factors, such as age and the severity of the curvature. In most cases, chiropractic treatment is highly effective.


Excess weight can tire a person out and strain their bones, muscles, and ligaments, weakening the body. As a result, it’s not unusual to feel back pain when you breathe.

Losing weight is the best way to combat obesity-related breathing problems like shortness of breath. This is not an easy task; luckily, chiropractic care is an available option.

Having a body that can move the way it’s supposed to helps make losing weight easier. Regular chiropractic adjustments are an excellent way to ease some back pain and discomfort that make exercising difficult.

Herniated Disc

The spine is composed of several vertebrae stacked on top of each other and separated by spinal discs that cushion, support, and absorb shocks to the spine.

Each disc has an outer shell protecting its jelly-like nucleus. When this outer shell breaks or cracks, the disc’s center leaks out, placing pressure on nearby nerves and causing pain, numbness, and other symptoms.

Disc herniation also causes a burning or tingling sensation in your arms and legs. It’s also another reason your back hurts when breathing.

How Chiropractic Care Helps

There is always a reason behind pain, no matter how mild it may seem. Pain is a signal your body sends when something is not working properly. Seek medical attention if your back hurts when breathing before it reduces your quality of living.

Once heart attack and pulmonary issues are ruled out, many people resort to prescription medication or surgery to relieve their chronic back pain. However, this only treats the symptoms, not the underlying condition.

A combination of chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy is helpful for pain due to scoliosis or muscle strain, making it easier to breathe without pain. You also don’t have to worry about side effects or recovery time because chiropractic care doesn’t rely on medications, surgery, or drugs.

Contact Advanced Chiropractors Group Today

Regardless of what’s causing your breathing problems, chiropractic care can help. Advanced Chiropractors Group is affiliated with the best chiropractors in Largo, FL, who can help with your breathing and back pain. We’ll help you make an appointment with them and start you on your journey to back pain relief.

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